To Subscribe or Not Subscribe


One of my original ideas for starting UX Palate (the original name was supposed to be Artisend) was my fascination with the subscription model.

Think gym memberships, satellite/cable TV, Netflix, etc., but during the process Luke and I talked about how maybe that isn’t the right model for our product.

I admit I’m used to making decisions alone. Maybe it’s a control thing, but working with a partner means sometimes you get your way, sometimes you don’t and sometimes you compromise.

Luke has a B.S. in Industrial Design from Art Center. I have a B.A. in Psychology and a M.A. in Organizational Leadership. Not only are our educational backgrounds different, but so is our work experience.

Without getting too deep into it, the reason why we started working together was a conversation we had after getting fitted for tuxedos as groomsmen for a mutual friend’s wedding.

Most startups have a business plan, we don’t. That’s not saying business plans are useless, it’s just we’ve chosen to build a brand and pivot (adjust) accordingly. In most cases the unknown can be scary, but for us it’s exciting.

Choosing not to offer a subscription product won’t be the first decision we’ll go back on and we’re ok with that.