chEAT Day


When Luke and I talked initially, one concept that we discussed was cheat day.

You know that day where all the rules go out the window (in terms of food) because you’ve been so “good” about what you’ve eaten during the week? 

But as we switched our attention to “elevating the palate,” we want our members to experience food through more than just one of the five senses. So the word EAT has become an acronym for what UX Palate is all about:

E – Elevate the Palate means educating you, the customer through pairing suggestions made by the crafter. Food tastes better when it’s complimented by the intended flavors.

A – Appealing to all your senses, a.k.a. multi-sensory experiences. We do this through events, demos and VIP outings. The food items are simply a vehicle for the culinary experience we want you to encounter.

T – Telling the story behind the food. Each of our vendors is chosen on 2 criteria: taste and story. Of course we want the food to taste great, but we’re also looking for an extraordinary story behind it. We aim to connect the customer to the story behind the food. One of our main ways is creating monthly food documentaries highlighting one crafter.

Are you ready to E.A.T. your way through UX Palate

The Taste Benefits Of An Elevated Palate


Taste Benefits Common Sources
Sweet Builds tissue, calms nerves Fruit, grains, sugars, milk
Sour Cleans tissues, increases absorption of minerals Sour fruits, yogurt, fermented foods
Salty Improves taste to food, lubricates tissues, stimulates digestion Natural salts, sea vegetables, meats, nuts
Bitter Detoxifies & lightens tissues Dark leafy greens, herbs, spices, dark chocolate (cacao)

Which is your favorite benefit?