To Subscribe or Not Subscribe


One of my original ideas for starting UX Palate (the original name was supposed to be Artisend) was my fascination with the subscription model.

Think gym memberships, satellite/cable TV, Netflix, etc., but during the process Luke and I talked about how maybe that isn’t the right model for our product.

I admit I’m used to making decisions alone. Maybe it’s a control thing, but working with a partner means sometimes you get your way, sometimes you don’t and sometimes you compromise.

Luke has a B.S. in Industrial Design from Art Center. I have a B.A. in Psychology and a M.A. in Organizational Leadership. Not only are our educational backgrounds different, but so is our work experience.

Without getting too deep into it, the reason why we started working together was a conversation we had after getting fitted for tuxedos as groomsmen for a mutual friend’s wedding.

Most startups have a business plan, we don’t. That’s not saying business plans are useless, it’s just we’ve chosen to build a brand and pivot (adjust) accordingly. In most cases the unknown can be scary, but for us it’s exciting.

Choosing not to offer a subscription product won’t be the first decision we’ll go back on and we’re ok with that.

chEAT Day


When Luke and I talked initially, one concept that we discussed was cheat day.

You know that day where all the rules go out the window (in terms of food) because you’ve been so “good” about what you’ve eaten during the week? 

But as we switched our attention to “elevating the palate,” we want our members to experience food through more than just one of the five senses. So the word EAT has become an acronym for what UX Palate is all about:

E – Elevate the Palate means educating you, the customer through pairing suggestions made by the crafter. Food tastes better when it’s complimented by the intended flavors.

A – Appealing to all your senses, a.k.a. multi-sensory experiences. We do this through events, demos and VIP outings. The food items are simply a vehicle for the culinary experience we want you to encounter.

T – Telling the story behind the food. Each of our vendors is chosen on 2 criteria: taste and story. Of course we want the food to taste great, but we’re also looking for an extraordinary story behind it. We aim to connect the customer to the story behind the food. One of our main ways is creating monthly food documentaries highlighting one crafter.

Are you ready to E.A.T. your way through UX Palate

It’s Alive!

Open for Business sign

After months of planning, the day has finally come. When I first approached Luke about the concept of a gourmet artisan subscription box, the idea wasn’t new, but the concept was intriguing. Since then we’ve pivoted multiple times, yet we’re ok with it…

Themes such as: story, relationships & trust have come to the forefront and now the excitement that is synonymous with opening a gift is the same way we feel about this journey we’re on.

We’re building a brand that encompasses much more than food items in a box.

Will you join us on this culinary experience?


Expectations Gone Wrong


When Luke and I first talked about this “food experience” what we envisioned is far different than what we discovered.

Connecting with vendors and hearing their stories made us realize they are part of a distinct subculture somewhere between home cook and foodpreneur. All of our partners share a passion for food, but each of them has unique inspiration behind their creation(s).

As much as we are trying to curate the best experience, we found ourselves becoming fans too. One of our goals is to connect the customer to the vendor so it becomes more about supporting the person than solely about buying great tasting food.

The cool part about the journey is not having preconceived notions about where we are going. We are committed to staying open to the direction and feedback of our partners and community and if we continue to do that, we’ll be less focused on meeting expectations and simply excited about what we find along the way.

Don’t Just Eat Food






Experience it. Remember the last time you experienced a great meal? You definitely tasted it, but you can probably recall the smells, sounds around you, a snapshot before you took your first bite and how it felt hitting your lips.

Eating is a multi-sensory adventure with enough of an emotional bond to keep you coming back for more.

Our goal is to provide you an experience. We aim to enhance all 5 of your senses: taste, smell, touch, sight & sound. Each month you’ll receive an item from the sweet, salty, sour and bitter categories. But we’re much more than a box (in fact we’re not using a box).

UX Palate connects you to the artisans and vendors through videos, interviews and live events. See their story, meet them in person and hear how they intended their food to taste.

We feature pairing. Food pairs best with drink so expect our events to be held at local wineries, breweries and tea/coffee shops. Think part education, part edibility, pure euphoria.

UX Palate is a community of food lovers. Join us as we grow your palate, grow your network and help local artisans grow their dreams.

Don’t just eat food. Experience it.