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I remember the first bite I took out of the double cheeseburger at TK Burger: the saltiness of the meat and cheese gushed juices down onto my plate of fries. My second bite caught a crisp piece of lettuce paired with soft, charred grilled onions. By then my hands were dripping with a tangy, sweet sauce that I had to lick off my fingers.

That was my “Remy Moment” from Ratatouille. Fireworks went off in my head. To this day just the thought of that burger makes my mouth salivate.

What’s your fireworks moment?


Quantity and value is all I used to care about when it came to food, but three years ago when our first daughter was born my life changed.

My wife began to develop food allergies to gluten, grains, tomatoes and nightshades.

The response was to switch to a modified Paleo diet and start caring more about what we consumed.

Buying organic and purchasing grass-fed meats is a financial challenge, but a nutritional commitment.

Fortunately I don’t have the same allergies as my wife, but the impact makes me much more conscious about what goes into my body.


The result is an elevated palate.

Real ingredients cost more, but taste better.

Transparency matters.

Local artisans who leave corporate gigs to pursue culinary dreams are heroes.

Those are the types of vendors worth supporting.

I mean who doesn’t love cheering for the underdog?

Listening to chefs share what pairs best with their masterpiece is inspiring.

Eating with the creator’s intent becomes an experience.

What if you could regularly try hidden culinary gems paired with wine, beer, coffee, tea, etc?

How would you feel interacting with the artisans of the products you love?

Wouldn’t it be cool to experience food in a whole new way?

You can. Welcome to UX Palate. A monthly subscription experience delivered to you.

Don’t just eat food, experience it.

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